With a myriad of different therapies available these days it can be difficult to know just where to begin.
Where does hypnosis fit into the picture?
Hypnotherapy is a Psychological tool that helps bring about Positive Change to both the mind and body. A Hypnotherapist uses Relaxation techniques to induce a comfortable state that allows for positive suggestions related to an individuals goals to become a reality. Hypnotherapy can help people adjust to life changes including Illness diagnosis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Depression, low Self Esteem, and all the many Anxiety related conditions.
Hypnotherapy is a technique which works well for with anxiety in its many guises such as fears, phobias, limitations, panic, ill health, things that impede or limit our quality of life.
Within Clinical Hypnotherapy we draw on various schools of psychotherapy depending upon individual circumstance and requirements. Hypnosis is known to improve the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for example and sits naturally within the ethos of Positive Psychology. Hypnotherapy looks to engage the wealth of resources you already have within yourself, resources of which you may not always be aware.